Leaflet/Leaflet - 🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
openlayers/openlayers - OpenLayers
facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
jaywcjlove/idoc - 📖 Simple document generation tool! Dependence Node.js run.
documize/community - Modern Confluence alternative designed for internal & external docs, built with Go + EmberJS
inversify/InversifyJS - A powerful and lightweight inversion of control container for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript.
hiukim/mind-ar-js - Web Augmented Reality. Image Tracking, Face Tracking. Tensorflow.js
mapbox/mapbox-gl-js - Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
openstreetmap/iD - 🆔 The easy-to-use OpenStreetMap editor in JavaScript.
CesiumGS/cesium - An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps 🌎
aave/lens-protocol - The Lens Protocol
coder/code-server - VS Code in the browser
katspaugh/wavesurfer.js - Navigable waveform built on Web Audio and Canvas
gchq/CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
prebid/Prebid.js - Setup and manage header bidding advertising partners without writing code or confusing line items. Prebid.js is open source and free.
NARKOZ/hacker-scripts - Based on a true story
RC1844/FastGithub - 快速跳转GitHub镜像网站、镜像克隆下载的猴油脚本
sct/overseerr - Request management and media discovery tool for the Plex ecosystem
100devs/binary-upload-boom - The 100Devs Social Network
PostHog/posthog - 🦔 PostHog provides open-source product analytics, session recording, feature flagging and a/b testing that you can self-host.
A-d-i-t-h-y-a-n/hermit-md - Hermit-md - Simple whatsapp Multi Device bot based on @adiwajshing/baileys
gorhill/uBlock - uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
popcorn-official/popcorn-desktop - Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player ( Windows / Mac / Linux ) A Butter-Project Fork
learn-anything/learn-anything - Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths
nrwl/precise-commits - ✨ Painlessly apply Prettier by only formatting lines you have modified anyway!
electerm/electerm - 📻Terminal/ssh/telnet/serialport/sftp client(linux, mac, win)
OpenDroneMap/WebODM - User-friendly, commercial-grade software for processing aerial imagery. 🛩
SparkPost/heml - HEML is an open source markup language for building responsive email.
Hackl0us/SS-Rule-Snippet - 搜集、整理、维护 Surge / Quantumult (X) / Shadowrocket / Surfboard / clash (Premium) 实用规则。
datastaxdevs/workshop-graphql-netflix - Workshop to illustrate how to use GraphQL
Heydon/bruck - A prototyping system built with web components and the Houdini Paint API
MichMich/MagicMirror - MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal assistant.
cerebral/cerebral - Declarative state and side effects management for popular JavaScript frameworks
kautukkundan/Awesome-Profile-README-templates - A collection of awesome readme templates to display on your profile
bpampuch/pdfmake - Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript